As a bonded, licensed contractor, Edgewater has performed multiple turn-key construction projects for UCOR infrastructure upgrades in Oak Ridge Tennessee, and Fluor/BWXT at Portsmouth. Recent example projects include:
Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3608 Carbon and Air Stripper Replacement. Replaced multiple large carbon columns, large carbon loading hopper, 45ft.-tall air stripper column, and all associated piping and electrical controls and power circuits. This fixed-price project included removal of radioactive contaminated vessels and piping, and required size reduction, critical lifts, welding, fabrication and disposal, as well as installation of new electrical power circuits, control circuits, and heat-trace systems.
SWSA-5 Drainage Improvement Project. Corrected surface water runoff problems at waste storage areas. These problems were corrected by installing new water lines, creating new drainage ditches, regrading sloped areas, and installing rip-rap in ditches to properly handle stormwater runoff without posing a safety hazard or damage to roads and structures.
7078 Trailer Complex Infrastructure Project. Replaced and upgraded sewer lines and electrical supply.
Excess Chemical Removal and Disposal. Edgewater partnered with City-State LLC to safely characterize, package, ship, and dispose of excess laboratory chemicals consisting of over 1,350 different chemical species from the Portsmouth Laboratory X-710 Facility.