Our Services

Nuclear Engineering

Core Competencies

Edgewater’s background of strong technical capabilities comes from the experience of our management and senior staff, many of whom have worked in nuclear operations for 30+ years. Our expertise spans numerous functional areas supporting the Department of Energy (DOE) as a nuclear operations subcontractor as well as serving commercial nuclear markets. As a DOE Nuclear Operations subcontractor, Edgewater’s capabilities include multi-disciplinary engineering (general and specialized) and technical support for construction, operations, maintenance & upgrades, and Deactivation & Decommissioning (D&D).  Edgewater’s highly qualified consultants provide program support in several specialized critical aspects of nuclear operations, waste operations, and environmental remediation services. The aspects covered by our experts include Integrated Safety Management (ISM), Nuclear Safety Basis, ASME NQA-1, Conduct of Operations, Operational Readiness, Work Control, Training and Procedural Development, Human Performance Improvement Strategies, Regulatory Compliance, Assessment/Audit Services, Project Management, Staff Augmentation, and subject matter expertise. Edgewater has been successfully managing projects under discrete scopes and providing client support through staff augmentation contracts for over seventeen years, with current contracts valued at over $40M per year.  We are proud to offer these services with the overarching goal of contributing to the improvement of quality, safety, and human performance in hazardous and highly regulated work environments.

Multidiscipline Engineering Services

Edgewater offers a full suite of engineering services ranging from initial design to operating systems engineering. Major support disciplines include architectural, chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, 3-D CAD, and I&C, as well as industry specialties such as Nuclear Safety, Criticality Safety, Fire Protection Engineering, High Explosives, Nondestructive Assay (NDA), and Radiological engineering support. Edgewater personnel have performed Vital Safety System assessments and served as designated VSS System Engineers at multiple DOE nuclear operations facilities.

Edgewater job site

Nuclear, Waste, and D&D Operations

Edgewater provides operations support to nuclear and high-hazard activities including Category-2 nuclear facilities, accelerator, explosive, biological, gas plant, and radiological/hazardous waste and material shipping facilities. Our integrated support has encompassed equipment and control room operations, supervisory activities in integrated areas of day-to-day operations, emergency preparedness, safety basis, environmental regulatory compliance, training, procedures, and formality of operations. Our SMEs include facility managers, senior supervisory watch, technical advisors, conduct of operation mentors, and full readiness preparation teams who provide services to multiple nuclear and high-hazard facilities across the DOE nuclear complex. We also provide senior technical support for corrective action plan development and implementation in response to audit and DNFSB findings, facility audits, and facility startup/restart activities.

Edgewater also provides operational support to industrial, radiological, RCRA, and TSCA waste facilities for remediation and D&D activities. We ensure proper characterization, disposition, and disposal of materials ranging from Transuranic, Low Level Waste (LLW), mixed LLW, RCRA and TSCA hazardous wastes, and radioactive liquid waste, as well as proper handling of D&D radiological waste. Our range of supports has included project planning and execution for waste generation, handling, segregation, characterization, certification, packaging, and shipping operations. Our seasoned team of project superintendents, shift managers, and technical advisors provide services under DOT, EPA, CERCLA, RCRA, Consent Order, and Federal Facility Agreement regulatory frameworks.

Operational Readiness Preparation and Formality of Operations

Edgewater’s senior staff of operations experts have supported facility readiness preparation for numerous Implementation Validation Reviews (IVRs), Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs), and Contractor Readiness Assessments (CRAs). Our personnel regularly monitor activities and operations, support services, and the execution of roles and responsibilities. We assure operationally compliant readiness and full implementation of all safety management programs and processes required to support safe and compliant operations. In addition to assessing compliance, Edgewater personnel employs “Find it and Fix it” teams to identify and correct deficiencies in a range of functional areas which typically include:

  • Safety Basis
  • Quality Assurance
  • Waste Management
  • Issues Management
  • Industrial Health & Safety
  • Safeguard & Security
  • Environmental Management
  • Emergency Operations
  • Maintenance
  • Abnormal Events
  • Training & Qualification
  • Engineering
  • Conduct of Operations
  • Facility Planning
  • Radiation Protection

Formality of Operations is an essential element of any readiness preparation as well as ongoing operations, regardless of facility classification. Edgewater provides extensive DOE O 421.1 Conduct of Operations (ConOps) program development and implementation across the DOE nuclear complex. Our staff of senior experts develop and enhance ConOps programs, including implementation and training, on-shift mentoring, and audit and assessment scopes. All aforementioned programs are designed to work in support of DOE P 450.4 ISM principles.

Safety Basis Development and Implementation

Edgewater provides a wide range of 10CFR830 and DOE-STD-3009 or DOE-STD-3011 Safety Basis and Authorization Basis support including the analysis, development, and implementation of DSAs, TSRs, BIOs, TSDs, and HASPs. Edgewater personnel perform hazard analysis, accident analysis, Design Feature, safety-class and safety-significant SSC selection, and Control Set selection and development. Edgewater’s performance profile includes providing the Safety Basis Program Manager for a Cat-2 Nuclear Facility, performance of numerous compliance assessments of overall safety basis implementation initiatives, TSR compliance, Specific Administrative Control selection, and USQ implementation projects. Our USQ developers and USQ training and qualification personnel have supported LANL, SRS, TWPC, LLNL, and the NNSA. Edgewater led and managed the joint LANL, EFCOG, and the University of California Berkley project to design and develop the DOE/NNSA complex-wide Safety Basis Academy (SBA) which established a comprehensive, integrated training program to qualify Safety Analysts in nuclear, accelerator, explosives, and chemical, Safety Basis design and development for the DOE/NNSA complex.

Environmental Remediation and Regulatory Support

Edgewater provides senior SMEs to support facility management with environmental program and compliance issues at DOE nuclear facilities across the complex.  Our capabilities include regulatory interpretation and strategic planning for negotiations and interface with DOE, State, and Federal regulators.  This support typically includes oversight, compliance assessment, and management/supervision of daily operations at environmental remediation sites involving TRU, LLW, Mixed LLW, radioactive liquid, RCRA, and TSCA wastes.  Our SMEs have significant knowledge and experience with federal and state regulatory requirements, including RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA, DOE Consent Orders, Stormwater, Natural Resource Damage (NRD), National Pollution Discharge Elimination, Groundwater Discharge permitting, Air Quality Act, Air Quality Control Regulations, and the NM Solid Waste and NM Hazardous Waste Acts.

Edgewater further provides on-site worker-level support for material handling, tracking, characterization, radiological classification, and certification for waste disposal at numerous commercial and DOE waste disposal and treatment sites.  Our project scopes include RCRA determinations, TSDF profile development, asbestos and beryllium determination, WAC compliance evaluations, and waste packaging and transportation activities required to support shipments to WIPP, NNSS, Energy Solutions, Perma-Fix, US Ecology, Waste Control Specialists, and the Oak Ridge Environmental Management Waste Management Facility (EMWMF).

Maintenance and Integrated Work Planning

Edgewater provides work planning and scheduling expertise in the Integrated Work Planning process for Operations, Maintenance, and Construction activities. Our staff’s expertise has been instrumental in the successful execution of thousands of tasks, including preventive maintenance, nuclear and non-nuclear facility modifications, construction, and D&D projects. Our planning experts have led senior work review groups, conducted critical interface with management and procurement, and performed complex scheduling, cost estimating, job hazard analyses, field walkdowns, and pre-job briefs. Edgewater also develops and delivers Person in Charge (PIC) qualification training for work package supervisors.

Training/Qualification and Procedures Development and Implementation

Edgewater is particularly strong in the formal application of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) and associated personnel qualification requirements mandated by DOE/NNSA and DOE Order 426.2, Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification, and Certification Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities.  We have developed, managed, and implemented complete training and qualification programs for a wide variety of high-hazard projects, including qualification of nuclear facility operations personnel, nuclear safety analysts and USQ preparers, waste facility operations personnel, waste packaging and transportation personnel, systems and radiological engineers, procurement personnel, and fire protection and emergency response personnel responsible for nuclear facility operations.  Edgewater has managed review and assessment of DOE facility site-wide training programs, to include development and implementation of corrective action and program improvement plans.

Ideally, training and procedures programs are integrated with client processes and objectives to achieve efficiency and maximize human performance.  Procedures should contain appropriate detail based on the importance and complexity of each task, while recognizing the training, qualification, and skill of personnel performing the activity.  Edgewater has significant expertise in the application of DOE-STD-1029-92, Writer’s Guide for Technical Procedures, and other industry standards for technical writing, and understands the logistical and managerial requirements associated with supporting procedures organizations through an integrated approach with training and qualification programs.  This integration produces user-friendly, well-written procedures and work instructions that become key components of human reliability required for complex, hazardous, or highly regulated environments.


As a bonded, licensed contractor, Edgewater has performed multiple turn-key construction projects for UCOR infrastructure upgrades in Oak Ridge Tennessee, and Fluor/BWXT at Portsmouth. Recent example projects include:

Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3608 Carbon and Air Stripper Replacement. Replaced multiple large carbon columns, large carbon loading hopper, 45ft.-tall air stripper column, and all associated piping and electrical controls and power circuits. This fixed-price project included removal of radioactive contaminated vessels and piping, and required size reduction, critical lifts, welding, fabrication and disposal, as well as installation of new electrical power circuits, control circuits, and heat-trace systems.

SWSA-5 Drainage Improvement Project. Corrected surface water runoff problems at waste storage areas. These problems were corrected by installing new water lines, creating new drainage ditches, regrading sloped areas, and installing rip-rap in ditches to properly handle stormwater runoff without posing a safety hazard or damage to roads and structures.

7078 Trailer Complex Infrastructure Project. Replaced and upgraded sewer lines and electrical supply.

Excess Chemical Removal and Disposal. Edgewater partnered with City-State LLC to safely characterize, package, ship, and dispose of excess laboratory chemicals consisting of over 1,350 different chemical species from the Portsmouth Laboratory X-710 Facility.

Staff Augmentation

Edgewater has a well-developed infrastructure that provides for flexible and reliable management, recruiting, human resources, payroll, benefits, quality, ES&H, and security processes. This infrastructure is ideally designed to manage, retain, and support large populations of exempt and non-exempt professional and support personnel for our customers. Our SMEs and other technical and administrative resources are available to support significant initiatives for our clients, who depend on us to recruit and retain personnel for dozens of job categories to meet ongoing and surge requirements. Being a well known DOE Nuclear Operations subcontractor, Edgewater excels at attracting candidates with extensive experience executing specialized work. Edgewater’s network of exemplary professionals allows us to respond to client request quickly and to provide effective, compliant management of staff augmentation personnel. Our benefits and compensation packages, professional infrastructure, and engaged management make Edgewater a reliable and desirable employer. We have an excellent track record of supporting our customers through prompt, accurate reporting, and deliverable responses at the highest level of service.  Edgewater is highly experienced and fully compliant with all U.S Department of Labor and Government accounting standards.  We are an equal opportunity employer and maintain an Affirmative Action Program.